
Surrogate Key VS. Natural Key

Surrogate Key VS. Natural Key

The other day, I discussed a "Surrogate Key VS. Natural Key" in a development project.

I sometimes come across such discussions.

This will be a brush up of my post in the past but I will post the best solution for this problem.

Furthermore, this is not only the case of the title of this post but also the basic way of thinking and solution of problems for such type of discussion.

If you are suffering about this matter in the design of the RDBMS. For your information.

If we want to solve the problem of this discussion, we must first change the recognition of the surrogate key to a artificial key before you get into the main theme.

First of all, we have to solve from the misunderstanding of "Surrogate Key VS. Natural Key" controversy contagious in the world.

The true meaning of this discussion should be "Artificial Key VS. Natural Key".

A natural key is a primary key designed by a single entity attribute or a combination of a plurality of entity attributes as you know.

A surrogate key is a primary key designed as a substitute for a natural key when it is difficult to design a natural key.

An artificial key is a primary key designed to increment an integer value mechanically, irrespective of the natural key design.

Therefore, even natural key believers, if it is difficult to design a natural key, they use the surrogate key as a matter of course.

However, it can be said that the artificial key faction does not use the natural key almost.

From the above, the misunderstanding of the "Surrogate Key VS. Natural Key" controversy would have been solved.

If you try to advance the discussion while misunderstanding this, there is a possibility that the argument may go off, so it would be better to first be aware of the misunderstanding.

Therefore, hereinafter, I will name the title "Artificial Key VS. Natural Key".

Natural key believers like natural keys in terms of the beauty of relational models and the pursuit of data design.

This trend is common among engineers who grew up with DBA and good old design method.

Meanwhile, the artificial key faction tends to favor artificial keys from aspects such as framework regulation, reduction of SQL bugs and simplicity of relations.

This trend is common among programmers and engineers who grew up with recent speed design.

There are reasons why I chose the words "believer" and "faction" in the above, but I will explain in detail later.

In the RDBMS design, "Artificial Key VS. Natural Key" has both merits and demerits in both cases.

If you are a top engineer, you must clearly understand that the criteria for choosing designs must be based on the objectives and priorities of the project.

If you are suffering from the problem of this discussion, the solution is simple.

The only thing we should do is to investigate the merits and demerits and judge it according to the situation of the project.

That's it.

We should seek both opinions and know the experience for the purpose of the project.

Therefore, in all situations, there is never a fact that either one is absolutely correct.

If we misunderstand that just the correctness of both opinions is the purpose, the problem of this discussion of the project will probably not be solved forever.

If we discuss at a level other than the purpose of the project, this sort of discussion will quickly evolve into a controversy due to the personal aspect.

If we do not have the purpose consciousness of the project, we will judge with a more subjective impression.

Why is this because, in each premise, each is correct.

For this reason, I used the words "believer" and "faction" as above.

Therefore, the only solution to this discussion is to match the members' sense of purpose in the project.

In other words, matching a purpose consciousness means that we need "ability to see the essence" and "organization development capability".

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