> to Japanese Pages1. Summary
In this post I would like to introduce a distributed fault tolerant memory cache system using GlusterFS and tmpfs.2. Introduction
In past postings, I introduced the use case of file system using GlusterFS as the theme of distributed fault tolerant system. In this post I would like to introduce a distributed fault tolerant memory cache system using GlusterFS and tmpfs. For the meaning of each keyword, please refer to the following. * Distributed Fault Tolerant Computer System * GlusterFS * tmpfs * Fault Tolerant * Cache Memory3. Environment
* CentOS-7 * GlusterFS-4.1.5 * tmpfs
4. Architecture
5. Cache Servers Configuration
5-1. Install GlusterFS
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo yum -y install centos-release-gluster $ sudo yum -y install glusterfs-server5-2. Startup GlusterFS
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo systemctl start glusterd $ sudo systemctl enable glusterd $ sudo systemctl status glusterd5-3. Set GlusterFS server hosts
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo vim /etc/hosts10.0.0.1 cache1.example.com cache1.example.com
5-4. Create GlusterFS storage pool
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster peer probe cache2.example.com5-5. Confirm GlusterFS storage pool
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster peer status5-6. Set tmpfs
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo mkdir / /cache_server $ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /cache_server $ sudo vim /etc/fstab5-7. Set to fstab for tmpfs
# Cache Server 1$ sudo vim /etc/fstab# Cache Server 2tmpfs /cache_server tmpfs defaults,size=512m 0 0
$ sudo vim /etc/fstabtmpfs /cache_server tmpfs defaults,size=512m 0 0
5-8. Create GlusterFS volume
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster volume create server replica 2 cache1.example.com:/cache_server/ cache2.example.com:/cache_server/ force5-9. Confirm GlusterFS volume information
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster volume info5-10. Start GlusterFS volume
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster volume start server5-11. Confirm GlusterFS volume status
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster volume status6. Cache Client Configuration
6-1. Install GlusterFS clients
# Both Web Servers 1 and 2$ sudo yum -y install glusterfs glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-rdma6-2. Set GlusterFS server hosts
# Both Web Servers 1 and 2$ sudo vim /etc/hosts10.0.0.1 cache1.example.com cache2.example.com
6-3. Mount GlusterFS clients to GlusterFS servers
# Web Server 1$ sudo mkdir /cache_client $ sudo mount -t glusterfs cache1.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client $ sudo df -Th# Web Server 2$ sudo mkdir /cache_client $ sudo mount -t glusterfs cache2.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client $ sudo df -Th6-4. set fstab for GlusterFS auto mount
# Web Server 1$ sudo vim /etc/fstab# Web Server 2cache1.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
$ sudo vim /etc/fstabcache2.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
6-5. Test GlusterFS replication
# Web Server 1$ sudo touch /cache_client/test.txt $ sudo ls /cache_client# Web Server 2$ sudo ls /cache_client $ sudo rm /cache_client/text.txt# Web Server 1$ sudo ls /cache_client7. Benchmark Test
The results of the benchmark test are reference values. The following test program is written in golang.7-1. Program Flow
1 MB Text ↓ # Cache System using GlusterFS and tmpfs Repeat File Creating, Writing, Reading and Removing 1,000 Times ↓ # File System using GlusterFS and xfs Repeat File Creating, Writing, Reading and Removing 1,000 Times ↓ Average Value of 10 Times Benchmark Test
7-2. Golang Program
# Web Server 1package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "time" ) func main() { // Configure file_paths := []string {"/cache_client/test.txt", "/file_client/test.txt"} systems := []string {"Cache System", "File System"} results := []float64 {0, 0} benchmark_times := 10 processing_times := 1000 var content_string string for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { content_string += "a" } content_byte := []byte(content_string) for i := 0; i < benchmark_times; i++ { for j, _ := range file_paths { // Get processing start datetime start_datetime := time.Now() for k := 0; k < processing_times; k++ { // Write file err := ioutil.WriteFile(file_paths[j], content_byte, 0644) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Writing Error: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } // Read file content_read, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file_paths[j]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Reading Error: %s%s\n", err, content_read) os.Exit(1) } // Remove file err = os.Remove(file_paths[j]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Removing Error: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } // Get processing end datetime end_datetime := time.Now() // Get processing total time total_time := end_datetime.Sub(start_datetime) results[j] += total_time.Seconds() fmt.Printf("[%v] %v: %v\n", i, systems[j], total_time) } } for i, v := range results { average := v / benchmark_times fmt.Printf("%v Average: %vs\n", systems[i], average) } os.Exit(0) }
7-3. Run Golang Program
# Web Server 1$ go build main.go $ ./main7-4. Results
[0] Cache System: 16.180571409s [0] File System: 16.302403193s [1] Cache System: 15.93305082s [1] File System: 16.61177919s [2] Cache System: 16.311321483s [2] File System: 16.393385347s [3] Cache System: 16.036057793s [3] File System: 16.740742882s [4] Cache System: 16.139074157s [4] File System: 16.754381782s [5] Cache System: 16.151769414s [5] File System: 16.90680323s [6] Cache System: 16.340969528s [6] File System: 16.693090068s [7] Cache System: 16.177776325s [7] File System: 16.961861504s [8] Cache System: 16.226036092s [8] File System: 16.638383153s [9] Cache System: 16.622041061s [9] File System: 16.887159942s Cache System Average: 16.2618668082s File System Average: 16.638999029100003s8. Conclusion
In this way, the distributed fault tolerant cache system could be constructed with GlusterFS + tmpfs. Although the benchmark test is a reference value, we can see that the performance improves like this. The next theme of the distributed fault-tolerant system is “LizardFS” which is the same distributed fault-tolerant file system as GlusterFS. I thank Mark Mulrainey for LizardFS Inc. who gave me direct advice.
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Distributed Fault Tolerant Cache System using GlusterFS & tmpfs
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
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Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way - #0. Introduction
> for Japanese Pages1. abount “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
“How can I become a top engineer?” I have opportunities to receive such questions such as IT lectures and seminars. (The definition of “top” is not mentioned here.) When I answer such questions to audiences, I have limited time to question and answer, so I will only tell the audience only the most symply things. However, there are various tricks for that in fact. For example, when I work on OJT as a trainer, I teach various things according to the situation. However, I can't do OJT with all the engineers seeking such answers. So I will make this article "Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way" series so that I can help you a little, I will tell you the tricks.2. Target of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
* People aspiring to a engineer * Beginner and intermediate engineers * Growth suffering engineers * Engineers aspiring to a technical manager or a director * Engineers aspiring to CTO or CIO * etc...3. The First Theme of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
The first theme of the “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way” series is “# 1.Technical Memo” scheduled. * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #0. Introduction * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #1. Technical Memo
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
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Story of A NoSQL “IfDB” Project Suspended in 2004
> for Japanese PagesStory of A NoSQL “IfDB” Project Suspended in 2004
1. A story over 14 years ago
The keyword NoSQL was first proposed in 1998. However, it did not penetrate at all. And in early 2009, NoSQL gradually began to penetrate by re-proposing a person. The other day, I was sorting out my own source code, I stayed in my eyes in the source code of the last update November 2004. The source code is a NoSQL scratch source code called “Document Oriented DB” in recent years. NoSQL's first proposal was in 1998. We were developing from 2003 to 2004. NoSQL began to penetrate the world in 2009. The year of NoSQL's popularization is much later. In short, it is a project more than 5 years ago from the re-proposal of NoSQL. That is a story of over 15 years ago. What I thought about this source code again is that “such technical innovation approach is not wrong.” And one technology I developed at that time is also useful for my AI research now. I want to say “Don't give up” to such innovative technicians. And I would like to thank the engineers that developed NoSQL.2. About NoSQL Project IfDB
Well, let me briefly outline this project. This project name has been changed several times as follows.At that time, we were not conscious of the word NoSQL at all. Rather, we probably didn't know NoSQL. The CRUD processing of data is flow as follows.FileDB -> IniDB -> IfDB
We also implemented SQL-like syntaxes. And what we emphasized was to enable direct editing of Ini File rather than via commands. This is because at that time JSON was not generic. These are still useful depending on applications but I have been busy with other projects and forgotten over the last ten years. However, I have memories that the development speed and the improvement cycle have increased very much using these method.Array -> Query Command -> Ini File -> Array of Result Set
3. The reason why I developed Ifdb
The reason why I developed this technology 14 years ago. I saw this source code after a long time, but the concept is not much different from the current document-oriented DB. 14 years ago, I was troublesome that relational model design but I had doubts about waterfall-like data model design and schema restrictions. This is because the scalability of the project is compromised by staticizing the relational model and schema. At that time, all the DBA's arranged their mouths and said: “It's because the design of the data model is bad.” “Study the data model more.” However, the more I learned data models, the more my discomfort grew. I think that I probably wanted to do agile development at that time. At that time I probably did not even know about agile development. The initial proposal time for agile development is also in the 1990's.4. Conclusion
The de facto standard of technology is a very important factor in business. However, the number of engineers who do not think about the simple thing “why the de facto standard is important” has increased. They arrange their mouths and make excuses like this: “Not a de facto standard = evil” “We don't need scratch development.” You don't forget what you are developing in scratch development products of me or someone. Both Sustaining Innovation and Disruptive Innovation are important. It is always proved by the times.
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
WARP-WG Founder: https://warp-wg.org/
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Operational Notifications Exception Design (ONED) for Web Applications by DevOps
> to Japanese Pages1. Abstract
With recent intensification of speed competition of IT service development, in this post I will explain the new exception design (ONED) approach of the Web application based on DevOps aiming at improving the improvement cycle of development speed, quality and opportunity loss rate.2. Representation specific to ONED
# ONED Define “Operational Notifications Exception Design” as ONED. # Event Exception Class Define event-based exception classes such as SyntaxException and ArgumentException as event exception classes. # Exception Trigger Define throw syntax of exception as exception trigger. # Exception Instance If only an instance of an exception class, define it as an exception instance. # Exception Captor Define catch, rescue, except syntax of exception as exception captor.3. Scope of this Article
The scope of this article is listed below.
- Since this article is intended to explain the concept of ONED, it does not mention the exception mechanism.
- To avoid misunderstanding, this article is limited for web applications.
- This article excludes general purpose libraries, general purpose tools and local applications from subjects.
- Because the syntax may differ depending on the development language, you should replace it as appropriate as your development language.
- This article does not mention Checked Exception or Unchecked Exception.
- In this article, I write only the main points because I do not intend to write 8 pages as in academic papers.
- We all want to think about the meaning of the word of Exception occasionally, but let's give it up as each language specification.
4. Introduction
What are the functional requirements you will undertake at the beginning of the web application implementation? I will undertake exception design and the implementation. This is because projects whose exception design and implementation are delayed will be forced to refactor all source code in the latter part of the implementation and will have an adverse effect on everything. If exception design and implementation are completed, I can think that 50% of Web application implementation was completed. Therefore, the most important reason is to raise improvement cycle of development speed, quality and opportunity loss. This is because it is indispensable to improve development speed and quality control in order to survive in the market as the competition of development speed of IT services in recent years intensifies. In recent years, the concept of various service development has spread from marketing methods such as Scrum development, DevOps, Growth Hack/Marketing, Lean Development, and DCPA (Not PDCA) to management methods. The common thing to these is the objective of promoting service growth and improvement cycle. Optimization of exception design is also an important factor that can contribute to these improvements if these are the objectives. So, what should we do with exception design for these purposes? In this post, I would like to touch on this theme from ONED's approach. By the way, when I lecture exception design to members, I often receive a question from members. “I don't know the difference between Exception and Error.” This is a very important question in exception design. For this question, see the previous article: Exception and Error. The most important point in exception design is that you can properly organize errors and exceptions within yourself.5. Recommendation
5-1. Elements of Exception Class
The elements of the recommended exception class by ONED are as follows. (You should replace the syntax according to the development language.)# Example.1:
InternalCriticalException("messages: HTTP_STATUS_CODE")
# Example.2:
FooException("InternalCritical: messages: HTTP_STATUS_CODE")
I explain the above points and usefulness in order.
For convenience of explanation, I will explain it using Example 1.
5-2. the Point of Responsibility Division
# Example.1:
InternalCriticalException("messages: HTTP_STATUS_CODE")
The prefix of the exception class name in Example 1 means the point of responsibility division.
In ONED, examples of recommended division of responsibility points are as follows.
# Internal
Internal System: Responsibility of The Exception Occurrence Host
For example, in this case Web server.
# External
External System: Responsibility of External System
For example, external systems such as Google APIs etc.
# Medial
Medial System: Responsibility of Owned Resources
For example, DB servers viewed from a web server etc.
# Terminal
Client System: Responsibility of Client System
For example, web clients, API clients and user devices etc.
In this way, the responsibility division point clarifies the occurrence responsibility of the exception.
Why do we need to clarify the responsibility for exception occurrence?
In the first place, clarifying the responsibility of occurrence of system failure is the basis of initial response.
This is because clarifying the occurrence responsibility in the initial response improves the recovery speed.
And ONED is based on the idea that emphasizes the initial response of operations recovery.
If you are a top engineer with rich application development/operations experience, you will understand these usefulness only with this explanation.
In short, it is important for developers to code with operations awareness.
However, the above actions are all cases of high importance exceptions.
In next section, I explain the importance lavel of exception.
5-3. Exception Level (Importance)
# Example.1:
InternalCriticalException("messages: HTTP_STATUS_CODE")
The second word above represents the error level.
Normally, error level such as logging often indicates importance, but it is the same in ONED.
However, I occasionally receive the following questions:
“Which level of importance should I use?”
“Which exceptions are important and which exceptions are unimportant?”
“In order to master these, I need a lot of experience like you.”
It's not like that.
Let's think about the service operations again.
For example, suppose you are implementing an exception code like "FileNotFound".
In that case, if this exception occured after service release, should you receive emergency mail as the development manager?
If it is a minor exception that can continue processing by automatic recovery, such emergency mail notifications are only noisy.
If you e-mailed every exception, we will lose sight of important notifications or no one will care about the notification.
The importance level of ONED is only the level of the definition of automatic processing that must be executed during operations.
In other words, when that exception occured, what do you want to execute handle with error handler during service operations?
Do you want logging?
Do you want display the error message to end users?
Do you want continue processing?
Do you want receive the emergency mail?
Do you want receive the emergency tel?
Just thinking about these things.
If it was excessive notifications, you just adjust it after release.
Exception Level = Importance = Processing Content at Operations
See the table below:
Exception Level Example:
Level | Log | Display | Tel | Abort | |
Info | o | x | x | x | x |
Notice | o | o | x | x | x |
Warning | o | o | x | x | o |
Pratial | o | o | o | x | Partial |
Error | o | o | o | x | x |
Critical | o | o | o | o | o |
Fatal | o | o | o | o | Shutdown |
5-4. Pros and Cons of Emergency Level
However, we sholud be careful. That is, exception level of ONED must be importance level and must not be emergency level. This is because ONED thinks that urgency at the time of exception of Web application should be overall judgement. The overall judgment is a comprehensive judgment of the service operations status, the resource situation, the extent of influence to the user, the consistency of the data, and the like. This is because even under the same exception, depending on these circumstances, judgment may be given not to respond urgently. And because the defined word "emergency" at the development phase becomes meaningless at the time of operations recovery. Urgency should be judged in the operations phase. Emergency level is used even for the log level recommended by the Web-only language like PSR-3, and descriptions related to urgency are arranged side by side. Defining such urgency only in the development stage is evidence that it is development driven and it is also the cause of vertical development.5-5. HTTP Status Code
In the case of exception handling of a Web application, the trigger should convey the HTTP status code so that the exception captor can properly return the HTTP status code to the HTTP client.# PHP
throw new Exception('message', 500);
# Ruby
raise Exception.new("messages: code")
This is because the top-level captor can not accurately determine which status code should be returned to HTTP clients.
This is particularly important for Web API servers that have to handle with status codes sensitive.
5-6. Continuation and Interruption Processing of Exception
ONED is not concept like “exception = interruption” I feel that the stereotype like the one above is often found in web application engineers. Even for Web applications, continuation of exceptions is a very important factor. So, in next section, I will explain the way of thinking of Exception Continuation Processing and examples of the implementation.5-7. Implementation Examples of Continuation Processing
Continuation processing of ONED is to execute necessary recovery processing and notification processing after exception occurrence and return to normal processing, and there is no matter how to realize it. Examples of implementation is shown below. # Retry Mechanism How to retry an exception block after continuation processing of exception using a retry mechanism like Ruby or Python package. # Goto Mechanism A method of returning processing up to a label declared near an exception trigger after continuation processing of an exception using a goto mechanism like C family, PHP, golang, Python package. # Exception Block A way to make use of exception blocks variously for recovery/continuation processing. (In the case of Java, checked exception) # Wrapping Recovery/Continuation in Exception Class How to wrap recovery/continuation processing within an exception class. The misunderstanding "Instance and Throw" by some engineers will be described later.# Exceptions are captured at the top level.
if (! is_file("/dir/file.txt")) {
// Instance
$FileNotFound = new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the file.", 500);
// Recovery Processing
if (! $FileNotFound->makeFile("/dir/file.txt")) {
// Interruption Processing
throw $FileNotFound;
// Continuation Processing
// Standard Processing
# Wrapping Continuation/Interruption in Exception Class
How to wrap continuation/interruption processing within an exception class.
# Exceptions are captured at the top level.
if (! is_file("/dir/file.txt")) {
// try Recovery Processing
if (! touch("/dir/file.txt")) {
// Interruption Processing
new InternalCriticalException("Could not create the file.", 500);
// Continuation Processing
new InternalNoticeException("Could not find the file.", 500);
// Standard Processing
class InternalCriticalException extends X
const LOG = true;
const DISPALY = true;
const MAIL = true;
const ABORT = true;
const TEL = true;
const SHUTDONW = false;
class X extends Exception
public function __construct()
protected function _log()
protected function _display()
protected function _mail()
protected function _tel()
protected function _abort()
throw $this;
protected function _shutdown()
5-7. Last Captor
In Web application development by ONED, we think that you should control all exceptions of unexpected exceptions and expected exceptions by using top level captor.6. Pros and Cons of Exception Handling
6-1. Misunderstanding of The Throw Keyword
throw ≠ instance
Very rarely, there are programmers who have a strange misunderstanding about the “throw” keyword of exception.
For example, a subclass that inherits a throwable class is a very strange misunderstanding that you must throw at the same time as the class instance.
This is typical of catalog engineers who do not understand exceptions at all.
Do you know the meaning of the catalog engineer?
It is a negative evaluation that was frequently used in automobile manufacturing industry like Toyota.
If there are such constraints, we are not allowed to re-throw an instanced object?
The “throw” keyword is simply a syntax that throws the object, its timing is arbitrary.
Also, it is arbitrary whether to throw the object.
throw new FooException("messages");
Such a syntax just throws an object at the same time as an instance.
There are no such restrictions in C languages, Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Javascript and any other languages.
Such stubborn justification is very nonsense.
6-2. Non-Local Exits
Non-Local Exsits ≠ Error Destoroy
I sometimes see a negative article as below.
“The coding as below is bad.”:
// Java Example:
try {
// processing
// ...
} catch (FooException e) {}
Certainly it is the worst code.
If it is the purpose of destroying exceptions and errors it is guilty.
We should feedback if he forgets to code.
If he is inexperienced in coding for non-local exits, we should tell him the best way by development language.
The one that should really be improved is the unfounded stereotype that "catch block is empty = evil".
6-3. Event Exception Class
ONED defines exception classes such as FileNotFoundException and AugmentException as event exception classes.
What we have to note is that there are Exception to be Continued and Exception to be Suspended even with the same Exception of FileNotFound.
We also have to be careful that the class name perspective is development driven.
Personally, I recommend naming the operations viewpoint.
7. Conclusion
In this way, ONED is an exception design based on DevOps. In fact, for all Web services that introduced ONED, the development speed, quality improvement and service growth cycle dramatically improved. This article is a post that modified my research paper for practical use.
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
WARP-WG Founder: https://warp-wg.org/
A member of IEEE, ACM, IEICE, Information Processing Society, IETF, ISOC, Artificial Central & Cranial Nerves, ScaleD.
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Exception and Error
> to Japanese PagesException and Error
1. Summary
One day, I was explaining the error architecture of a application in one project. However, before I explain the design, I had to explain “definition of Exception and Error” to project members. In this blog, I post an outline of the explanation at that time. FYI.2. Introduction
Can you easily explain the difference between Exception and Error? Just the other day in a project, I received a question “I don't know the difference between Exception and Error.”. This question is very numerous. In the past, there were also programmers complaining about uninterrupted exception handling. In addition, there were some engineers that thought “Unexpected Error = Error” and “Expected Error = Exception.” Furthermore, there were some engineers that thought “Purpose Achieved = Exception” and “Purpose Un-achieved = Error.” The answer to this question “What is the difference between Exception and Error?” depends on which field you are talking about now. I will explain it now.3. Exception and Error
First of all, you have to know that there is no concept that the difference between Exception and Error universally holds. There are many engineers who do not understand this. Therefore, a misunderstanding like the foreword occurs. In other words, it is impossible to clearly define the difference between an error and an exception as a universal concept. This is because the definition of "exception and error" differs depending on the field to be handled due to the historical background. Conversely, if it is not universal, its field-specific definition may exist. For example, Java is much clearer than other languages, but the difference with C++ is large. If you are discussing only specific field exceptions and error specifications, you should follow the specifications of that field. If not defined? The fact that it is not defined means that it is decided not to define or there is room for interpretation. About the above "pros and cons for non-interrupting exception handling", in Ruby, there is a retry mechanism in the exception mechanism. This means returning during exception processing. For example, in Python, the retry package is distributed. In Java and C++, the retry mechanism is not officially supported. However, I know the Java project that implements the retry mechanism on its own. Even in PHP, if you follow the constraints of the goto mechanism, return of exception handling can be implemented. Thus, the specification of "exception and error" in a particular language does not necessarily apply to other fields. In an undefined field, it is very nonsense that the concept of a specific field is enforced. If so, what should we think about in a wider range of system designs? It is good if you define it as necessary. The same is true for the error design of the application at the summary.4. Conclusion
The difference between exceptions and errors, there is no universally established concept. The definition of exceptions and errors depends on the definition of each field. If it is defined, it suffices to follow its definition. If not defined it is best to interpret or define.
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
WARP-WG Founder: https://warp-wg.org/
A member of IEEE, ACM, IEICE, Information Processing Society, IETF, ISOC, Artificial Central & Cranial Nerves, ScaleD.
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Space Camel Comment Style & Layer Comment Style
> for Japanese PagesSpace Camel Comment Style & Layer Comment Style
1. Summary
In this post I propose Space Camel Comment Style and Layer Comment Style as a way of thinking of programming comment style. FYI.2. Introduction
Comment statements of programming source code is one of the important elements in a scalable system. If there are no comment standards in the project, the comment style varies according to programmers. Also, I often hear the following voice from many programmers. “I do not know what to write in comments.” “I do not know the granularity of comments.” In this post I propose Space Camel Comment Style and Layer Comment Style as a way of thinking of programming comment style. I will not mention any comments, FooDoc, annotations or other comment styles other than the logic part here. Also, I will not mention about the presence or absence of comments by elegant code.3. Cooment Style
3-1. Space Camel Comment Style
Because I could not find a general definition, I would define it as “Space Camel Comment Style” here. This is a camel type comment style like an object-oriented method name. It is a form that puts a space in words of the method name. for Example:Reason why this is useful. In programming and the IT industry, it is not unusual to omit English "articles" in naming. (I do not mention here about countable nouns, uncountable nouns, plurals.) Regarding memory reservation, although it is already talk of the past, English grammar strict to naming greatly deteriorates readability. Also, there are many cases not related to the context before and after. Top programmers accustomed to simple naming to improve readability may not feel discomfort even with this format. The trick is to think about the process flow in terms of behavior. It is similar to method approach. As in the case that you mothodize the logic, the scope of the comment is also determined by the range of processing to make one behavior. You just write a comment as if you naming the method for the behavior. This will clarify the granularity and style of your comment. Also, since it is not affected by reusability or conflict like method name, you should be able to write much more flexibly than method name. However, this is not the case if you have to explain a lot in comments. In that case, for example I might do as follows:# set Controllers and View Resources
# Notice: description...
3-2. Layer Comment Style
Because I could not find a general definition, I would define it as “Layer Comment Style” here. In the source code, even if indentation of the same layer, the layer of processing may be different. In such a case, a comment style conscious of the layer of processing like markdown head is useful. for Example:Thus, by making the comments multi layered, you may be able to increase the readability of the layer of behavior.# set Controllers and View Resources processing... ## for Controllers processing... ## for View processing...
4. Conclusion
In this post, I proposed two programming comment styles, Space Camel Comment Style and Layer Comment Style. For Space Camel Comment Style, I think that it is applicable to commitment sentences. Whether your programming orientation is object-oriented or procedural, low-layer processing has to be written somewhere. These comment styles would be particularly useful for describing such low layer processing.
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
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