
Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way - #0. Introduction

> for Japanese Pages

1. abount “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”

“How can I become a top engineer?” I have opportunities to receive such questions such as IT lectures and seminars. (The definition of “top” is not mentioned here.) When I answer such questions to audiences, I have limited time to question and answer, so I will only tell the audience only the most symply things. However, there are various tricks for that in fact. For example, when I work on OJT as a trainer, I teach various things according to the situation. However, I can't do OJT with all the engineers seeking such answers. So I will make this article "Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way" series so that I can help you a little, I will tell you the tricks.

2. Target of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”

* People aspiring to a engineer * Beginner and intermediate engineers * Growth suffering engineers * Engineers aspiring to a technical manager or a director * Engineers aspiring to CTO or CIO * etc...

3. The First Theme of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”

The first theme of the “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way” series is “# 1.Technical Memo” scheduled. * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #0. Introduction * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #1. Technical Memo

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