> to Japanese Pages1. Summary
In this post I would like to introduce a distributed fault tolerant memory cache system using GlusterFS and tmpfs.2. Introduction
In past postings, I introduced the use case of file system using GlusterFS as the theme of distributed fault tolerant system. In this post I would like to introduce a distributed fault tolerant memory cache system using GlusterFS and tmpfs. For the meaning of each keyword, please refer to the following. * Distributed Fault Tolerant Computer System * GlusterFS * tmpfs * Fault Tolerant * Cache Memory3. Environment
* CentOS-7 * GlusterFS-4.1.5 * tmpfs
4. Architecture
5. Cache Servers Configuration
5-1. Install GlusterFS
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo yum -y install centos-release-gluster $ sudo yum -y install glusterfs-server5-2. Startup GlusterFS
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo systemctl start glusterd $ sudo systemctl enable glusterd $ sudo systemctl status glusterd5-3. Set GlusterFS server hosts
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo vim /etc/hosts10.0.0.1 cache1.example.com cache1.example.com
5-4. Create GlusterFS storage pool
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster peer probe cache2.example.com5-5. Confirm GlusterFS storage pool
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster peer status5-6. Set tmpfs
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo mkdir / /cache_server $ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /cache_server $ sudo vim /etc/fstab5-7. Set to fstab for tmpfs
# Cache Server 1$ sudo vim /etc/fstab# Cache Server 2tmpfs /cache_server tmpfs defaults,size=512m 0 0
$ sudo vim /etc/fstabtmpfs /cache_server tmpfs defaults,size=512m 0 0
5-8. Create GlusterFS volume
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster volume create server replica 2 cache1.example.com:/cache_server/ cache2.example.com:/cache_server/ force5-9. Confirm GlusterFS volume information
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster volume info5-10. Start GlusterFS volume
# Only Cache Server 1$ sudo gluster volume start server5-11. Confirm GlusterFS volume status
# Both Cache Servers 1 and 2$ sudo gluster volume status6. Cache Client Configuration
6-1. Install GlusterFS clients
# Both Web Servers 1 and 2$ sudo yum -y install glusterfs glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-rdma6-2. Set GlusterFS server hosts
# Both Web Servers 1 and 2$ sudo vim /etc/hosts10.0.0.1 cache1.example.com cache2.example.com
6-3. Mount GlusterFS clients to GlusterFS servers
# Web Server 1$ sudo mkdir /cache_client $ sudo mount -t glusterfs cache1.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client $ sudo df -Th# Web Server 2$ sudo mkdir /cache_client $ sudo mount -t glusterfs cache2.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client $ sudo df -Th6-4. set fstab for GlusterFS auto mount
# Web Server 1$ sudo vim /etc/fstab# Web Server 2cache1.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
$ sudo vim /etc/fstabcache2.example.com:/cache_server /cache_client glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0
6-5. Test GlusterFS replication
# Web Server 1$ sudo touch /cache_client/test.txt $ sudo ls /cache_client# Web Server 2$ sudo ls /cache_client $ sudo rm /cache_client/text.txt# Web Server 1$ sudo ls /cache_client7. Benchmark Test
The results of the benchmark test are reference values. The following test program is written in golang.7-1. Program Flow
1 MB Text ↓ # Cache System using GlusterFS and tmpfs Repeat File Creating, Writing, Reading and Removing 1,000 Times ↓ # File System using GlusterFS and xfs Repeat File Creating, Writing, Reading and Removing 1,000 Times ↓ Average Value of 10 Times Benchmark Test
7-2. Golang Program
# Web Server 1package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "time" ) func main() { // Configure file_paths := []string {"/cache_client/test.txt", "/file_client/test.txt"} systems := []string {"Cache System", "File System"} results := []float64 {0, 0} benchmark_times := 10 processing_times := 1000 var content_string string for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { content_string += "a" } content_byte := []byte(content_string) for i := 0; i < benchmark_times; i++ { for j, _ := range file_paths { // Get processing start datetime start_datetime := time.Now() for k := 0; k < processing_times; k++ { // Write file err := ioutil.WriteFile(file_paths[j], content_byte, 0644) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Writing Error: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } // Read file content_read, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file_paths[j]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Reading Error: %s%s\n", err, content_read) os.Exit(1) } // Remove file err = os.Remove(file_paths[j]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("File Removing Error: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } // Get processing end datetime end_datetime := time.Now() // Get processing total time total_time := end_datetime.Sub(start_datetime) results[j] += total_time.Seconds() fmt.Printf("[%v] %v: %v\n", i, systems[j], total_time) } } for i, v := range results { average := v / benchmark_times fmt.Printf("%v Average: %vs\n", systems[i], average) } os.Exit(0) }
7-3. Run Golang Program
# Web Server 1$ go build main.go $ ./main7-4. Results
[0] Cache System: 16.180571409s [0] File System: 16.302403193s [1] Cache System: 15.93305082s [1] File System: 16.61177919s [2] Cache System: 16.311321483s [2] File System: 16.393385347s [3] Cache System: 16.036057793s [3] File System: 16.740742882s [4] Cache System: 16.139074157s [4] File System: 16.754381782s [5] Cache System: 16.151769414s [5] File System: 16.90680323s [6] Cache System: 16.340969528s [6] File System: 16.693090068s [7] Cache System: 16.177776325s [7] File System: 16.961861504s [8] Cache System: 16.226036092s [8] File System: 16.638383153s [9] Cache System: 16.622041061s [9] File System: 16.887159942s Cache System Average: 16.2618668082s File System Average: 16.638999029100003s8. Conclusion
In this way, the distributed fault tolerant cache system could be constructed with GlusterFS + tmpfs. Although the benchmark test is a reference value, we can see that the performance improves like this. The next theme of the distributed fault-tolerant system is “LizardFS” which is the same distributed fault-tolerant file system as GlusterFS. I thank Mark Mulrainey for LizardFS Inc. who gave me direct advice.
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Distributed Fault Tolerant Cache System using GlusterFS & tmpfs
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
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Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way - #0. Introduction
> for Japanese Pages1. abount “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
“How can I become a top engineer?” I have opportunities to receive such questions such as IT lectures and seminars. (The definition of “top” is not mentioned here.) When I answer such questions to audiences, I have limited time to question and answer, so I will only tell the audience only the most symply things. However, there are various tricks for that in fact. For example, when I work on OJT as a trainer, I teach various things according to the situation. However, I can't do OJT with all the engineers seeking such answers. So I will make this article "Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way" series so that I can help you a little, I will tell you the tricks.2. Target of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
* People aspiring to a engineer * Beginner and intermediate engineers * Growth suffering engineers * Engineers aspiring to a technical manager or a director * Engineers aspiring to CTO or CIO * etc...3. The First Theme of “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way”
The first theme of the “Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way” series is “# 1.Technical Memo” scheduled. * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #0. Introduction * Off-JT for Top Engineer's Way #1. Technical Memo
AiR&D Inc. CTO & Full Stack Engineer
WARP-WG Founder: https://warp-wg.org/
A member of IEEE, ACM, IEICE, Information Processing Society, IETF, ISOC, Artificial Central & Cranial Nerves, ScaleD.
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